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Random missing images

edited February 2003 in General
Hi all. I am using RB7.01 with Delphi 5. I have a complex report that
pulls some BMPs and one jpeg file to print. The way we run things here is
in a batch so reports will print in a loop of say between 30 -70 at a time.
Randomly some reports will not print some of the images. The number of
images are random as well. I have tried various printers with the same
result. With inkjet printer it usually prints a black box where the image
should be. I have been trying to solve this with various pauses with no
avail. My application has been checked for memory leak and there is none.
Please help if some one can. Thanks in advance.


  • edited February 2003

    Make sure that you check for memory leaks AND resource leaks.

    If you are using the BDE, increase the MaxBlobSize and BlobsToCache

    Close the datasets completey when they are not in use.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003
    I have checked for both with no avail. The application is pretty leak free.
    What else to check.
  • edited February 2003

    1. If you are using the BDE, increase the MaxBlobSize and BlobsToCache

    2. Download the latest printer driver and retest.

    3. Try testing with other printers.

    4. If you are using a network printer, try testing with a local printer.

    5. Make sure that all images have Transparent set to False.

    6. Check that each report and each form and each datamodule is created and
    free'd as needed. Do not autocreate anything. For an example see

    7. Check that each dataset is opened only when needed and is closed as soon
    as it is not needed.

    8. Along the lines of 2 and 3 make sure that the application uses all
    resources efficiently.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003
    I have the reports created and freed as needed. The data connections are on
    the forms and they also get opened and closed with the report. I am using
    direct oracle access. Some of the small bitmaps are loaded oncreate from a
    resource dll. I will try the transparency setting.
  • edited February 2003
    Just tried with the transparency off. Same problem. I have tried a HP
    8550N and a Xerox C-12 printer. Same problem. With inkjet printers the
    missing images become black rectangle.
  • edited February 2003
    Any one?
  • edited February 2003

    Are there certain images that always fail or is the problem random?

    Can you create a simple demo project that we can run here. If so send to
    support@digital-metaphors.com in zip format.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003
    So far totally random. I have mixed bmps and jpegs. I did an experiment, I
    saved the image in the control on the onprint event to see what is there.
    All came out fine even for those pages that did not print right. I am
    clueless here.
  • edited February 2003
    After a lot of investigation this is what I found:
    The line StretchDIBits(...) in ppUtils is failing with error code 6 and 8.
    "Not enough storage is available to process this command."/"The handle is
    Because the return value is not checked the error is ignored and nothing
    comes out. It happens so randomly that I am not sure of a resolution.
    Please respond.

  • edited February 2003
    i have near the same problem. i have put some images on the pagestyl (BMPs).
    They are also set to transparent to false and i have tried out to set
    printdirect to true and false. one time a month i print out invoices with
    that images on the pagetyle. randomly the images are print or not. Also if i
    tried out another driver they became full black boxes.
    The images are set static (no dbImages). The problem also occurese aby a lot
    of customers if they print out a lot. and always they are randomly.


  • edited February 2003
    That is my exact situation as well. It appears under heavy use something
    goes haywire. I am still investigating. As I have mentioned before I found
    the source of the problem but do not know the reason yet. You can test it
    out the line I described in my previous post. I am surprised so few people
    have this problem.

  • edited February 2003
    I am using only W2k and XP operating system. Normaly they have no
    resourceproblem. The Image-Black-Problem comes randomly in this newsgroup,
    but the standardsolution like: "new driver", "no transparent", "Directdraw",
    does never help. On an other thread i had read, that the videocard-driver
    normaly handles the standard windows API graphic-commands like paint,
    stretch etc.. Therefor the card must have enough RAM.
    You wrote that you got the exception in the stretch-image-command, which
    could use a lot of RAM, if its a big image. But i also tried out the tip of
    another news, to reduce hardware accelerator, so the videocard had more RAM
    for the API - nothing changes.

    Perhaps DM finds another solution. If the problem is that some graphic-cards
    have resourceproblems, so perhaps they could build in there own

    i am using different types: Matrox, ATI and Intel on board, the problem
    comes on all.


  • edited February 2003
    I have a very similar experience. No matter what configuration of my system
    is the printing problem will surface at some point and randomly. I just
    tried something. In the suspected API call if it failed I let it repeat
    until successful but once it fails it will never succeed in the same
    procedure. For subsequent call in the same report it may succeed.
    Something DM is doing that it is not recovering from the error. I will let
    DM comment on this before I start digging around. I am writing a medical
    report so it is crucial that it is free of error like this.

    For DM a test program will be difficult to write because of our oracle data
    backend but if it is the only solution then how about an archive file. Does
    is go through the same drawing process as print?

  • edited February 2003
    perhaps it is possible to reproduce it on an arcive-file. i had not ried
    this out. My application is using MSSQL 2000, which coudl be easyly
    installed, because since SP3 its fre to download directly from MS.
    But our application is a little bit big (1.3 Million lines), and the
    enginepart is embedded in a lot of libs.

    i will try to save an arcive.


  • edited February 2003
    Can I use an archive file for test?

  • edited February 2003
    Any one from Digital Metaphors?

  • edited February 2003
    Hi Reza,

    I can tell you that we've had this problem now with all versions of Report
    Builder ... never did pin it down ... nor did Digital Metaphors ... other
    quirks are pink tints to background whites ... a very subtle pink ! Last
    time I queried this one I was told that it was my print driver and to
    download a later version ... images ... well we worked around it and we
    generate our own page that looks like the rest of the report ... never
    misses nor does it print in pink !

    I've always been pleased with the support provided by Digital Metaphors but
    on this matter I felt as though I'd been fobbed off ... no other commercial
    application like PhotoShop / PaintShop or indeed Word omits graphics at
    random, nor do you get a pink cast - so telling me it was my print driver
    seemed a bit of a long shot ... anyway I do hope that they fix it ...

  • edited February 2003

    I would estimate that 90-95% of printer related problems are solved by
    updating the printer driver. That is why we suggest this.

    We also suggest that customers send us demos that we can run here in the
    debugger. We cannot fix bugs that we cannot recreate. Tech Support is a
    collaboritive effort between customers and tech support engineers. We
    need help. That is why we ask for demos.

    RB's imaging capabilities to do not match Photoshop/Paintshop, though we
    strive for it. Printers vary widely in the way in which color and images
    are handled - you cannot simply draw the bitmap to the printer canvas.
    This is a very sad state for the Win API. There is not much
    documentation on render graphics to the printer either.

    The TppImage.DirectDraw boolean property can be used to control whether
    RB renders the graphic directly to the printer. For some printers,
    rendering indirectly works better and for others rendering directly
    works better.

    Transparency in images does not work for the vast majority of printers.
    This is not to say that PhotoShop cannot do it, but the technique RB
    uses does not work.

    There are very few issues that we fail to resolve in a reasonable time
    frame. It is not for lack of effort, I can assure you. :)

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003
    Hi Nard,

    the random missing of Images also often occurs in my application (and also
    on my customers). Because lot of the developers had big projects, its very
    complicated to make a small project to debug. Also like murpheys law, they
    are working at the end. One reason on our project is, that we are loading
    the template on runtime from an sql-server. Also we are setting up some
    ado-datasets in memory (works good).
    In our "random missing" - reports, we are using no dbImages, only static
    images (for comany logos).
    For my understanding it does not matter what orginal format this is, but i
    am using bmp now, becaus its more nativ to the widnows structure of handling


    Is it possible to make a Debug session remotly via terminal server?
    Perhaps this would help, if the small sample would work, instead oft
    reproducing that fault.

    Reza Raquib in this thread had found a problem in the Strech-Procedure of
    RB, where an errorcode was not tracked. Perhaps this is a reason, while not
    more users had this problem. Perhaps only on bigger images (500k-1MB) and
    often calling this procedure get this random "feature".

    In a some threads i found this problem of missing images, black boxes, pink
    boxes and so. Perhaps the developers had no solution til now. Perhaps you
    could mail them and if they have the problem still now, we can make a new
    thread, where all people write down there experience, the environment and so
    on, so that a pattern or logic could be found.


  • edited March 2003
    Hello All,
    I reported this problem some time ago with an application that is printing
    1500 payroll checks a week.
    The signature on the check is an image. We have tried everything (new
    drivers, direct draw, using gif/jpg/bmp, switching operating systems). Once
    we seem to have it working, we will get a report of a check taken to the
    bank without the signature image. It is impossible to reproduce
    consistently. At this point in time we are considering switching to a new
    report component suite for our image printing, which is ashame because we
    really enjoy using ReportBuilder.
    But we cannot continue to have missing signatures on checks.


  • edited March 2003
    Did you have tried out to not use the Strech-Option? i am not shure, but it
    seems to me that there is one of the problems. I had sampled my logos on the
    exact size and missing pictures seems to be away. Normaly i saw every day
    some printouts without our logo. I could not say its 100% away, but i did
    not see any missed.


  • edited March 2003
    Tody i got some missed pictures, but it seems it is drastical better that

  • edited March 2003
    Since you have already tested the standard options, the next thign to do is
    to run a memory watching tool such as Sleuth QA or Automated QA, to check
    for resource leaks, either from the app or the printer driver itself.
    Another way to take your code out of the picture as the cause of the problem
    is to generate the report to an archive file. Then use a simple application
    with an ArchiveReader component to print the report from the archive file.
    You can also check the archive file for the signature images to visually
    verify that the draw command is getting generated for the signature on each
    check before it is printed. This is a bug that is very hard to track down
    and reproduce. We are as frustrated as you that we cannot reproduce the
    problem and debug it to find out what is causing the problem.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.