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edited February 2003 in General
How can I know the number of pages effettively printed?


  • edited February 2003
    RB writes to the spool file. The spool file is then printed. There isn't a
    native way that RB knows how many pages actually printed to the printer. You
    will have to research using Win API calls to the printer driver to see if
    you can find out if all the pages have printed successfully or which number
    the print job has stopped on. Once RB has generated the entire spool file,
    the main application continues exectuing after the Report.Print call.

    Check out the EnumJobs WinAPI call in the WinAPI help. Look in Delphi's
    WinSpool.pas file for the Delphi calls that can be made. There is a

    {$EXTERNALSYM EnumJobs}
    function EnumJobs(hPrinter: THandle; FirstJob, NoJobs, Level: DWORD; pJob:
    Pointer; cbBuf: DWORD;
    var pcbNeeded, pcReturned: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
    {$EXTERNALSYM EnumJobsA}
    function EnumJobsA(hPrinter: THandle; FirstJob, NoJobs, Level: DWORD; pJob:
    Pointer; cbBuf: DWORD;
    var pcbNeeded, pcReturned: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
    {$EXTERNALSYM EnumJobsW}
    function EnumJobsW(hPrinter: THandle; FirstJob, NoJobs, Level: DWORD; pJob:
    Pointer; cbBuf: DWORD;
    var pcbNeeded, pcReturned: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;

    The JobInfo structure has a PagesPrinted which is what you'll need to

    typedef struct _JOB_INFO_1 { // ji1
    DWORD JobId;
    LPTSTR pPrinterName;
    LPTSTR pMachineName;
    LPTSTR pUserName;
    LPTSTR pDocument;
    LPTSTR pDatatype;
    LPTSTR pStatus;
    DWORD Status;
    DWORD Priority;
    DWORD Position;
    DWORD TotalPages;
    DWORD PagesPrinted;
    SYSTEMTIME Submitted;
    } JOB_INFO_1;


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

    Tech Tip: Detecting whether Report was
    Printed to the Printer

    The Report.AfterPrint event can be used to
    determine whether the report was printed
    to the printer (rather than preview, ...).


    procedure TForm1.ppReport1AfterPrint(Sender: TObject);

    if (ppReport1.PrinterDevice <> nil) then
    ShowMessage('Report was printed to the printer');


    Note: If the user cancels the report while it
    is running, then the Report.OnCancel event will
    fire, followed by the Report.AfterPrint event.


    procedure TForm1.ppReport1Cancel(Sender: TObject);
    ShowMessage('Printing cancelled by user');


    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

  • edited February 2003
    I ment after the printdialog is displayed , is not there a way to know which
    range has been selected?

  • edited February 2003
    See the main report demo in the printer related section There is one which
    sets the page range on the page request. Use the OnPrintDialogClose event to
    check the page request. Look in ppDevice.pas in the TppPageRequest class
    for the 4 properties it publishes.


    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

    procedure TForm1.ppReport1PrintDialogClose(Sender: TObject);




    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited February 2003
    I've all ready done, but have notice that Pagerequest object is not update
    when user define the pages to print. I had to use the PageRequest object of
    the print dialog.

  • edited February 2003
    Yes, reading the page request from the dialog is the way to go, as I had
    coded in my example I posted previously.

    You're right, the main reports demo does work differently to configure the
    page range before the report prints:


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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