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Parameters Demo

edited September 2007 in Server
I am trying to get your custom parameters demo to run (D2006E). Switched my
path from Indy10 to Indy9 (not sure why i cannot work around this but...).
I had to change the ports in the Web Tier to 1333 from 1024 otherwise i
got cannot connect to server.

Followed your directions

Get the custom login form at
try to login and get
page cannot be displayed

i then noticed a window saying TrsServer - Fatal Exception.
(evidently from Custom Parameters Demo Server)

any ideas on how to get this demo working? thanks


  • edited September 2007

    ReportBuilder does not use Indy. However, the Delphi WebDebugger does use
    Indy, and it is compiled with Indy9 (I don't know why CodeGear does not
    update it to use Indy10).

    As shown in the demo, the correct WebTier.ServerConnection.Port is 1333,
    this i the default port used by RB Server.

    Defaults to http://localhost/rbWebPub/Cache/ . Note that you need to have
    IIS running on your machine and need to setup a virtual directory

    Defaults to http://localhost:1024/rbWebDebug.CoRBWebDebug . The 1024 is the
    port used by the Delphi WebDebugger. On some Delphi installations 8081 is
    used. You can launch the Delphi WebDebugger to check.

    Report Server
    You also need to compile and run the custom parameters report server. See
    RBServer\Demos\Servers\Custom Parameters\ReadMe.doc

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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