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Out of Memory - D6 RB10.04 XP

edited February 2008 in Server

I occasionally get an Out of Memory error in the log and a dialog with the
following message

TrsServer - Fatal exception.

The log from the same time shows

"20080229 12:56:18:553","Processing request for report
Reports\Documents\Itinerary EOutOfMemory, Out of
"20080229 12:56:18:631","Session
"20080229 12:56:18:631","Out of memory",seError,0,,,
"20080229 12:56:18:631","Send page 1: Reports\Management\Consultants Stats
"20080229 12:56:18:631","Send page 1: Reports\Accounts\Daily Receipts and
Refunds by Transaction Date",seServiceResponse,8636,PublishReport,"Report
"20080229 12:56:19:100","Send page 2: Reports\Accounts\Daily Receipts and
Refunds by Transaction Date",seServiceResponse,2371,PublishReport,"Report
"20080229 12:56:19:147","RB Server Stopped",seInformation,0,,,

I then have to restart the server and all is well.

Any ideas. Is there something i should do with the server on a regular basis
to avoid this?



  • edited February 2008

    Run the reports using a tool that can check for memory/resource leaks.

    Make sure you are not using the BDE. The BDE architecture is old and was
    never designed to run in a multi-threaded/ server environment. Each session
    requires the entire BDE to be loaded into memory another time - quickly
    running out of memory. This is constrasts to other architectures which would
    load a single time.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2008
    I haven't used the BDE since Delphi 3........a long time ago

    I use ODAC and I will attempt to analyse the server although this issue
    occurs rarely so it is subtle.

  • edited February 2008

    Great, just checking :) - the only time I have encountered Out Of Memory is
    doing some testing that used the BDE.

    Have not encountered that error with the demo server running on our web site
    and we are not receiving feedback from other customers encountering Out Of
    Memory errors.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2008

    What happens once a report has been served to the client. Does the thread
    get destoryed or is it left lying around to be used again?

    I ask because this has happened again and I am noting a gradual memory
    footprint for the server until it finally gives up. It is a heavily used
    server and takes a week or so to cause an issue. Would using the service
    wrapper help in this instance? Would it just restart the server.

  • edited March 2008

    Each client is assigned a SessionID. Sessions time out automatically - due
    to inactivity. The TrsServer.TimeOut property specifies the time, in
    seconds, that a session can remain open on the server without receiving a
    client request. If a session is idle for TimeOut seconds then the session
    will be freed by the server.

    When the Session is freed, then the report module associate with it is

    Try using ReportBuilder Services. If you run the server within the context
    of ReportBuilder Services then it will try to restart the server in the
    event of a crash. (There is no way to guarantee that it can successfully
    restart the server, but it will try.)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.