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Getting ppSubReport

edited April 2003 in General

At run time I want to get access to the ppSubReport component. At the moment
I am doing it as follows:

if FppReport.ObjectByName(iBand,iComponentIndex, 'ppSubReportDetail') then

:= FppDBPipeLineForDetailData;

Is it possbile to get access to ppSubReportDetail without using this string?

Thanks in advance


  • edited April 2003
    Both of the following will find sub reports

    for I := 0 to ppReport1.BandCount - 1 do // Iterate
    for j := 0 to ppReport1.Bands[I].ObjectCount - 1 do
    if ppReport1.Bands[I].Objects[J] is TppSubReport then
    //found sub report
    end; // forCount - 1 do // Iterate

    for I := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do // Iterate
    if Components[I] is TppSubReport then
    //found sub report

    end; // for

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
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