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Navigation buttons do not work

edited August 2008 in Server

When calling a report without auto search fields, the navigation buttons (to
go to the next/previous page, change width) do not work. When clicked,
nothing happens. The page does not display (iavascript) errors, it is just
that nothing happens. When a report has auto search fields, the report works

It appears to be this way since I use version 10.08.

Any suggestions where to look at?

Kind regards,


  • edited August 2008
    Have not heard of this issue before.

    Try compiling and running the main server and web tier demos. Does is happen

    Are you using any custom code on the WebTier?

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2008
    Hi Nard,

    Thanks for your response. As I investigated further, it appears to be having
    something to deal with the details of a certain data record (probably
    related to custom auto search values code). Running reports without auto
    search parameters for other data records do work.

    So it is not related to the version (10.08)

    Kind regards,

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