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Sending reports directly to PRINTER from browser

edited October 2008 in Server
I need some help. Is there any way that a client runs a report from the
browser and send it directly to printer and bypassing the viewer?


  • edited October 2008

    Print directly from the browser? No.

    However, you can use the ClientReport (and ClientReportExplorer) to connect
    to the WebTier over HTTP.

    You can then use the methods of ClientReport to print directly to the
    printer. See the RBServer\Demos\Clients examples.

    To configure the ClientReport.ServerConnection to communicate over HTTP, set
    the address to web address of the webtier and the port to 80. For example


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2008
    May be I wasn?t very clear with the question or in fact it's not possible
    I have a Delphi ASP aplication and I need to print something. If I call a
    report from the browser for example

    http://localhost/rbWebPub/report.asp?content=viewer&volume=Report Files&name=Customers\Customer List&folder=v0d1&zoom=70

    the report is executed directly without using the explorer and previewed in
    my browser. Then if I repace the parameter content=viewer to content=PDF
    the report is executed directly without using the explorer and it's
    perviewed but as a PDF result. So if then I click the printer button then
    the report is sent to the printer.
    What I need is to bypass the preview so from my Delphi ASP application I can
    print a report without the preview page
    Is that posible? If so, how?

  • edited October 2008

    The ReportBuilder web viewer is HTML/Javascript. Using Javascript there is
    no way to print directly to the printer. (ASP script cannot do it either,
    becayse it runs on the server side).

    To print to the printer, requires access to the windows api on the client.
    An ActiveX control could do it. I do not know whether flash or sliverlight
    can do it.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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