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Set locale dynamically

edited December 2008 in Server
Good morning,

The way the report server handles date/time values is dependent on the
locale settings of the account the report server runs under. I want to set
it dynamically, as it might happen that people in different locations are
working simultaneously against the same server.

I tried to do SetThreadLocale in the OnBeforePublishReport event of the
explorer, but it does not seem to do anything.

Any suggestions how and where I can change the locale so that the current
report will use that locale settings?

Thanks in advance,

Mariëlla Bakker
P&A Group


  • edited December 2008

    This is currently not implemented.

    Are you using the WebTier or ClientReport?

    Are you using RB 11? I can research adding this to a maintenance release.

    There is both client and server side code to be considered. The report pages
    are generated on the server. However, displaying the autosearch dialog is
    handled by the webtier/clientreport. For it to work completely, the
    threadlocale on the webtier/clientreport would need to be set as well as the
    server side. Perhaps you are using a SessionParameter to determine the

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2008
    Good morning Nard,

    I am using the WebTier. In the web tier I also tried to set the thread
    locale, but doing so resulted in errors on autosearch date fields,
    regardless of the format used. Currently I am using RS 10. In the future we
    will upgrade to version 11, but for the coming release of our products we
    will stick to version 10.

    Indeed I am using a session parameter to inform the report server of the
    locale to be used.

    Thanks for your information so far,

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