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Access violation appeared in WebTier

edited August 2009 in Server
Everything was fine before couple of weeks ago but now my isapi dll is
generating access violation error.
There is no code change there is no installed firewall or antivirus program
on my server. My server is 2003 rc2. My rb version is 10.07 with delphi 7
I tried these steps and in every step I tried again, but nothing happen.
just I am getting AV (weException)

while there is no installed printer I disabled print spool service.
re-enabled spool service
installed a laser printer and set as default.
Operation system is up to date.

Can you help me ?


  • edited August 2009

    Something on your system must have changed.

    Try setting WebTier.LogSettings.Verbose set to True and rebuild the project.
    Then check the WebTier log, perhaps that will provide a clue.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2009
    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  • edited September 2009
    I know this address line is not correct but this one is also generate AV

    There is no report name as "noreport"

  • edited September 2009
    Please do not post attachments to the newsgroups - this is against the
    rules. You may email attachements to support@

    I looked at the log, but cannot determine much. There are no exceptions
    logged. According to the log you are using a Server Farm - is that correct?
    Your Cache directory shows one session with a report explorer. One session
    with a report. And one session that is emtpy.

    Make sure you build the report server and the webtier with the exact same
    version of Delphi and RB.

    You say you are using RB 10.07, try updating to RB 10.09, which is the last
    produced release for RB 10.x. Then rebuild both the server and webtier and

    You could aslo try running the Demos\WebTier\WebDebug project using the
    Delphi web debugger.See the ReadMe.txt included in the same folder.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2009

    I tested that against our live report server and did not encounter any
    issue, other than an error generated by the report server

    Here is the test I used


    This error was displayed in the browser

    Server Error: Processing request for report Archives\noreport
    ReportServiceProvider Error: No report found in catalog:

    Do you have any custom code on your report server? If so perhaps that could
    be causing an issue.

    In you test, you are not specifying a SessionID. I mention this because if
    you call reports programmatically like this you really should use a
    sessionID for efficiency.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.