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AV in ntdll.dll

edited March 2010 in Server

With reference to Newsgroup messages from Jason Sweby on 22/12/09 and my
Post of 24/10/09 about the same problem.

I am still having an issue with a potential customer, and until I can get
this resolved there is no chance of him buying a server license.

Any more thoughts?

Can you suggest a debug strategy?


Philip L Jackson


  • edited March 2010
    Try downloading and installing the latest build of RB 11.07 from our web
    site and test whether that solves the issue.

    For the reports you could try setting the PrinterSetup.PrinterName to
    'Screen' or try installing a different printer driver for the user account
    under which the WebTier executing (the printer device context is used even
    for preview or print to file).

    You could try testing whether the issue occurs with only specific reports.
    For example, create an empty report, a report with one label and no data, a
    report with one DBText etc.

    Also, I am unclear whether you are saying the error is with the report
    server or the webtier.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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