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Server Error

edited April 2010 in Server

in response to...\\AdsPDAIntruder&frameset=1&newsearch=T&asg0f0se=250498&asg0f0sa=false

I keep getting the following error....

"Server Error: Processing get AutoSearch parameters request for
reportFiles\reportfiles\\AdsPDAIntruder EReportVolumeErro
TrsReportVolumeDirectory.GetChildNodeForName: aParentNode is ni "

The file AdsPDAIntruder.rtm exists in the reportFiles directory.

the job No 250498 does exist in the data to be reported on

Can you please offer any idea as to how I may identify what the issue is?

Thanks in advance.

Philip L Jackson


  • edited April 2010
    In the web request you have


    but then you also have the volume name, "reportfiles", listed in the name of
    the report


    This does not look correct. If the report is in the root folder, then use

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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