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IIS 6 Worker Process Recovery

edited July 2011 in Server
I'm having trouble resolving some errors I'm getting running a report server
on IIS6.

RB Server 12.04 / Delphi 2007 / Oracle 10G / IIS 6.
Quad core processor, 32GB Memory, 8 worker processes in a 'reporting' app
A portion of the log file is at the end of this post

The first error that occurs is a connection timeout generating a logfile in
the ISAPI folder containing the DLL. After the initial error some new calls
fail with an Access Violation generating an 'unable to read server'
response. Presumeably the sporadic 'Unable to read server response' error
is from the one failed worker process. When I recycle the IIS app pool it
clears the problem the server responds correctly to all future requests
until another 'timeout' occurs. This error is occurring about once per
business day with no apparent cause or link to a report etc.

1> What controls the timeout setting related to what is logged in ISAPI
folder? I don't know where the timeout is coming from. I do have some
process that may run a while, a couple of minutes. What setting controls
this timeout?

2> As noted, the one worker process that timed-out now fails on future
requests until it is reset. Is there a way to kill this now offending
process altogether in the Delphi DLL code itself? This way the initial
request will still have timed-out but if the process is reset, at least
future requests will still work OK. Using the IIS 6 to monitor / Recycle
dead processes does not work since the worker is still responding, albeit
with a useless 'unable to contact server' response.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. - Jon Gray

Portion of the logfile -

<?xml version="1.0"?>



violation at address 01B44030 in module 'chemsreport.dll'. Read of address

violation at address 01B44030 in module 'chemsreport.dll'. Read of address

violation at address 01B44030 in module 'chemsreport.dll'. Read of address

violation at address 01B44030 in module 'chemsreport.dll'. Read of address


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