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Date format

edited November 2016 in Server

We ran into a problem with the date format.

When a report is using a searchcriteria with date format we get an
error message: '31-12-2013 is not a valid date format (mm-dd-yyyy).
So the form is expecting a dateformat mm-dd-yyyy, but we are using

Is there a way we can configure this? Or what settings is used for


Andre Konijnendijk.


  • edited December 2016
    Hi Andre,

    For the WebTier or ClientReport, the date format is determined by the Delphi
    TFormatSettings, which is initialized to the Windows regional settings. You
    can either modify the Windows regional settings or modify the
    TFormatSettings. A simple test on my machine, if I use English (United
    States) the format is M/D/YYYY, if I use English (United Kingdom) the format
    is D/M/YYYY.

    For the SQL that is generated, the date format is determined by the
    DataSettings.DatabaseType. Different database engines require different

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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