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RB 7.04 Build 2 (6/21/2004) : Mouse wheel !!!

edited July 2004 in General

I've desinstalled my previous RB 7.04 version and now, I've installed RB
7.04 Build 2 (6/21/2004).
Maybe, I've forgotten something somewhere, but in preview mode (with a
TppViewer component), I cannot have mouse wheel implementation....

Does anyone could be help me on this ?

Thanks for your help.



  • edited July 2004

    My English isn't very well.
    I've had the self problem and I've solve it with this code.
    Perhaps it can help you.

    procedure AppEvents1Message(var Msg: tagMSG; var Handled: Boolean);
    i: SmallInt;
    if Msg.message = WM_MOUSEWHEEL then begin
    Msg.message := WM_KEYDOWN;
    Msg.lParam := 0;
    i := HiWord(Msg.wParam);
    if i > 0 then
    Msg.wParam := VK_UP
    Msg.wParam := VK_DOWN;
    Handled := False;

    This code uses the TAppEvent Component from the RXLibrary.
    If you do not have the RXLibrary, perhaps you can use it with the
    "ApplicationEvents" Component from Delpi


    Michael Meyer

  • edited July 2004
    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your tip. I will certainly implement it but before, I would
    like to understand why Digital Metaphor has written in its Release.doc file,
    in news concerning this 7.04 6/18/2004 version (Preview part), "...Added
    Mouse Wheel Support". It doesn't work for me, so maybe some Digital Metaphor
    will help me... ???

    Thank you.

  • edited July 2004
    Hi Laurent,

    Mouse wheel support was added for the TppPreview window only, not the
    TppViewer. If you would like to see the code added, see the ppPreview.pas
    file and simply search for the OnMouseWheel event. So far we have had no
    issues like this one with regards to the mouse wheel not working. Which
    version of Delphi, and Windows are you using? Do you experience this
    behavior on multiple machines or only one? Let me know your exact machine
    settings and I will try to recreate them here and test.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    Hi Nico,

    I will look...

    I'm working on Delphi 7.01 Build 1 Enterprise, Windows XP Prof. Version 2002
    Service Pack 1. I've an Intellimouse Optical with Roll the Wheel option
    actived. I don't know today if on other machine I can reproduce this fact.
    I'll try.

    Thank you for your feedback.

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