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Subreports under MS Sql Server 2000 not working?

edited March 2003 in Subreports
Environment running 6.03 (I have 7 I just have upgraded yet)
Running Delphi 6 Enterprise
Windows 2000.
The application can be hooked to Interbase via BDE and
MS Sql Server via ADO.

Basic problem is Reports that are datadictionary driven and include
subreports, subreports are returning no data.

All of the Reports are built using a Datadictionary.

We have something like 150 reports all reports work fine under Interbase the
only reports that dont work a reports that have subreports in them and when
they are hooked to SqlServer(the same reports work fine under IB).
We do have a conversion process that convert the IB reports into SqlServer
reports it all works fine.

My investigations into this problem
- the main part of the report works fine.
- subreports that have separate datapipelines return no data
- subreports that not using a datadictionary work fine
( I built a report with subreport hook into northwind.db via
coded pipelines this all worked fine)
- If I also track down threw the code for a subreport

if (lbBOF and lbEOF) then
FState := [ppdaNoRecords]

It constently returns a ([ppdaNoRecords]) which means no data for the
sub report.
The sql that it generates is all correct (it returns what I would expect
sql servers query analyzer.

I get the impression that the ADOquery is returning the flags of GetBOF
(True) and GetEOF(True) the

Oh, there are couple of other bugs with sql server reports that I will post
very soon.
As I have source code fixes for them.



  • edited March 2003
    We have had no problems using subreports connected to SQL Server data. Can
    you print the detail subreport dataset into TDBGrids on a form at runtime
    using the same query object that is connected to the pipeline (disconnect
    this pipeline for this test)? Can you verify the problem using the Northwind
    Traders demo database? Please send a simple report project that connects to
    this database which shows the problem to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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