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Saving of Subreports

edited April 2003 in Subreports
I wish to save some extra data with a sub report, would it be possible to
force subreports to be saved as full report definitions which can be dragged
back into the parent report or used standalone. What would happen about the
subreport datalinks if such a thing were possible.


Conrad Rowlands
Callards Technology Ltd


  • edited April 2003
    You will have to save the subreport as a template. Use the members of
    Subreport.Report.Template to do this at runtime. They are report templates,
    the same as if you saved a template from a TppReport.Template. You can
    thenload the template into a TppReport.

    The dataviews are saved in the main datamodule of the TppReport. This isn't
    very well known, but you can save the datamodule to a dtm file. This is a
    datamodule template, similar to a report template, except instead of saving
    the layout, it saves the data definition. What I would do is create dtm file
    for each subreport individually, then merge them at runtime when the
    subreports are loaded into the main report. This way you can still locate
    the dataview (just have one in a dtm) for a subreport outside of a report so
    you can move it around to other reports. The linking will need to be
    performed at runtime when the dataviews are merged. I believe that if you
    use AutoJoin and the datadictionary, it should auto link the dataviews
    during a merge.

    The subreports aren't draggable.This would be cool, but it would take some
    magic to do this on a TForm in Delphi, as we would have to rip the TppReport
    from the form, create a TppSubreport, and stream the TppReport to the child
    report (TppSubreport.Report), then free the TppReport. It may work, but
    doing this at Delphi design time may prove to be unstable. Generally, you'll
    want to design your end user reports at runtime if you can, and not do it at
    Delphi design time.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003

    OK Then, I have a few questions about this (sorry it has taken so long to
    get around to this, you will probably need to re-read the posts).

    1. How do I actually save the data modules to file?
    2. Can I perform this operation on a subreport and thus save only the data
    modules relating to and descending from this subreport, I am guessing not
    though I am hoping so. The reason that this is applicable to me is that some
    of the subreports, I consider to be reports in their own right whereas
    others are just purely a tool to get disparate data into a report and don't
    make any sense out of context.
    3. How do I merge the data module into a report from the DTM file?
    I also have another Kind of related problem which is this:-

    As you maybe aware I am using the data, RAP, Design and Print Tabs all in
    the one designer. If I set a report up (at runtime) with field links between
    two pipelines upon coming into the screen everything is OK. I get my Master
    Detail realtionships depicted correctly. However upon editing settings in
    the RAP tab, or Data tab (changing the query constraints using the SQL
    window) my Master Detail relationship is now lost. Is this a bug or am I
    missing something. I can understand why it might happen with regards to the
    data tab but not the RAP tab.

    Any help of all of these matters would be greatly appreciated...

    p.s. I havn't been onto the newsgroups for a while and very nearly had a
    heart attack when your domain was down for three days!

    Conrad Rowlands
    Callards Technology Ltd

  • edited May 2003
    There is only one data module for a given report. So, the easiest way to
    save a datamodule is to do it visually from the Data tab's menu. You can't
    save the datamodule for a subreport, since the subreport simply uses the
    dataviews defined in the master report's datamodule. Create a new report and
    create a subreport's dataview and then save that datamodule to file or
    database. Use the File | Export menu option. Continue to do this until you
    have the different datamodules for each of your subreports. Then you can
    merge the subreport datamodules to the main report datamodule at runtime- In
    the designer, use the File | Merge option in the Data tab.

    What do you mean edit the settings in the RAP tab? Are you editng the SQL?
    Editing the SQL by hand will break the SQL generation logic and the master
    detail links. If you aren't editing the SQL from a RAP pass through
    function, then what are the steps to take to reproduce the problem using one
    of our demo reports?

    You can perform manual linking of dataviews in code if you would like. Here
    are two examples you may find helpful depending on which approach you want
    to take, either SQL edited dataviews or not.


    Here's a demo of loading a datamodule in code. In code, you can save a
    datamodule to file by calling


    {save a dataview}
    lDataModule.Template.FileName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) +

    Sorry about the newsgroups being down for three days. We were in the process
    of moving our office from Texas to Colorado:)


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003

    Unfortunately I cannot save a data module using the data tabs menu as this
    application is to be seamless to the user. Therefore we will do all of the
    saving programatically. No worries anyway because I can as you say stream
    the data out to a dtm file which I can then save as binary in the database.
    However you talk about the merge option in the data tab, I cannot see a way
    to achieve this in the object model, I have no trouble in bringing in
    (replacing the current data definition) a data definition for one report,
    what I cannot figure out is how to merge three of four data definitions
    programmtically into one parent report,

    i.e. I have five report definitions:-

    Def1 = Contact Report
    Def2 = Event Report
    Def3 =Mailing Report
    Def4 = Choclate Fudge Banana Cake Report
    Def5 = Main Shell Report

    Defs1 - 4 can be inserted into Def5 to create a compound report or can be
    run individually as reports in their own right.

    In order to make defs 1- 4 function properly the data modules must reside
    primarily in those definitions. When running the main shell report however I
    will wish to import the appropriate def files and then import each files
    datamodules so that all of the datamodules appear for each report that is

    As to the problem that I was experiencing with the master detail links, I
    have identified the problem as being due to the name of the 'datatable'
    clearing out. I am not too bothered about this now, so long as I know how to
    address the problem for the development staff who will utilise this tool.
    Our users (bless 'em) will never experience those features as I intend to
    prevent access to these areas . This does however force a question, I read
    somewhere that if the Datatab is not visible the data definition will not be
    streamed out.

    1. Is this correct?
    2. If so is there a way around this, will I still be able to
    programmatically stream the data modules out?
    3. Does this go for the RAP code too?

    Thanks for your help...


    Conrad Rowlands
    Callards Technology Ltd
  • edited May 2003
    You can programatically merge by calling one of two methods on

    procedure Merge(aDataModule: TdaDataModule);
    procedure MergeWithReport(aReport: TppCustomReport);

    No, the visual stuff can be left out and the internal classes can still be
    linked in to use DADE and RAP behind the scenes. Remove raIDE and daIDE from
    the uses clause. However, you still need to use DADE classes so the dataview
    can be streamed up, so be sure to include the DADE plugin, something like
    daDBBDE or daADO...See the tech tips newsgroup on controlling the end user
    environment for a listing of DADE plugins. To use RAP behind the scenes like
    DADE, add raCodMod to the uses clause.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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