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SubReports - Issue with Page Breaks...

edited August 2003 in Subreports
Hello - I have D6 Enterprise - with RB 7.02.

I have a report that is setup like

The Detail shows the Directory name and the SubReport shows the NTFS
permissions for each user... The report seems to work great - except at
the page breaks. If I have a Detail near the bottom - which then prints
multiple SubReports for that detail - the page seems to print fine.
However, the problem is on the following page. There seems to be a
blank link printed for each Subreport item below the last detail line on
the previous page. The following should show this ....

Directory 1
Owner 1
Owner 2
Directory 2

Directory 7
Owner 1
Owner 2
Owner 3 (there are two more owners to print - so it causes a page

---- New Page ----

Blank Line 1
Blank Line 1
Blank Line 1
Directory 8
Owner 1

So - each new page begins with blank spaces - instead of the remaining
subreport lines that need to be printed.

Any thoughts? Has anyone else encountered this before?



  • edited August 2003
    Is there a PrintPosition set on any control in the detail band that would
    cause it to start printing this way? Are there empty group bands that are
    printing there? If they are empty and static height, then they will generate
    as empty space. Do you have any event handlers? Try temporarily
    disconnecting them in order to find out what may be causing the problem. If
    you feel it is a bug with RB, then fell free to send a simple zipped example
    to support@digital-metaphors.com We prefer DBDemos, Northwind Traders,
    Employee.gdb sample databases as these are commonly available and will allow
    us to quickly get you project running and tested to verify any issues.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    Hello Jim,

    There are no PrintPosition properties set (at least I couldn't find any)
    set. I don't use Group bands. The report is set as...
    SubReport - Not Printing at this point
    SubReport - Not Printing at this point

    All in all - a fairly simple report. The only event handlers I have are
    for the JITPipeline. I need them to get the data.

    As for it being a bug... I honestly don't know. It could just as easily
    be something I am doing. In terms of sending you the project - that
    would not work - as it is fairly complicated and uses other 3rd party
    controls. However, I can provide the unit that contains the Report and
    JIT Pipelines, the EXE (so you can see what is happening). Would that
    be enough for you to be able to take aw quick look and maybe guess at
    what might be going on? I might also be able to fudge some data in a a
    new sample project - but this will take me a few hours to put

    Let me know what is the best way to go about getting your feedback.


    In article <3f37aac5$1@dm500.>, "Jim Bennett \(Digital Metaphors\)"
  • edited August 2003
    Try placing static height colored shapes in each band of the report to see
    if there are bands that are not generating draw command, but are forcing the
    engine to use up space on the page breaks.

    PrintPosition is a property on the different controls in the report. This is
    ususally how you can start a band at position Y on the page. This property
    being 0 is good.

    The JITPipelines can be linked using the detail pipe's MasterDataPipeline
    and MasterFieldLinks properties. Is the detail data ordered by the master?
    The report engine will not order the data, you have to take responsibility
    for ordering the detail data correctly. Can you place a break point in the
    OnGetFieldValue for the two pipelines and make sure that they are in the
    correct ordering as you expect when it runs?

    Can you take the second and third subreports completely out of the report
    and create a report that is only one master and one detail subreport to get
    that working first? Then try adding only the second subreport and see if
    that can print by itself in a master detail relationship. Once you can
    verify that each subreport can print in its own individual master detail
    report configuration, then try combining them into one report using

    It may be as simple as the pipelines not being assigned to the subreports?

    Above are my suggestions and guesses, but short of a working demo I can run,
    it is going to be difficult to verify any problem either in your code or in
    ours. I'd be happy to take a look at the form unit/report layout and run the
    exe and maybe I could see something, but most likely it will be
    inconclusive. Send all attachments to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    I have been having this problem also and have duplicated it in a sample
    program. I am sending the sample to support.

  • edited September 2003

    My problem was caused by not setting the Master DataPipeline on the
    JITPipelines for the subreports..

This discussion has been closed.