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No data page with title before subreports?

edited October 2003 in Subreports
Hi people,

I have a report structure like this:

-In the details from the mainReport(no DbPipeLine), Subreport1 as
-In the details from SubReport1, Subreport2 as pbChild
and in the groupfoottext form Subreport1, Subreport3 as pbSection.

When printing this I get almost what I want.
It will prints like :
-Empty page with Image.
-First record = Page1, SubPage 2, Subpage3.
-Second record = Page1, SubPage 2, SubPage3.
-Third record = Page1, SubPage 2, SubPage3.
-Empty page with Image.

What I want to achieve is before every record(Page1) an empty page is
printed with an Image on it so the print structure will look like :
-First record = Empty page with Image, Page1, SubPage 2, SubPage3.
-Second record = Empty page with Image, Page1, SubPage 2, SubPage3.
-Third record = Empty page with Image, Page1, SubPage 2, SubPage3.

How can I get this done or else is something wrong with the structure?

Thanks in advance,
MailtTo:ellobo@home REMOVETHIS .nl


  • edited October 2003

    From your description of how you want the pages to look, sounds more like
    you want to print a "title page" prior to each master record. The simplest
    configuration I think of would like this.

    Main - master data
    Title band - set NewPage to true - place Image in title band.
    Group - configured to break on each record
    child subreport - detail data
    section subreport - place Image as needed

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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