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forcing a subreport created in code to start on a new page

edited April 2004 in Subreports
I am adding a subreport created in code to an existing report. I want the
subreport to appear on a new page that has a different orientation to the
first report page. I.e. the first page is A4 portrait, the second page is A4
landscape. Setting the NewPage property of the generated title band has no
effect, the subreport always prints on the first page.

My code looks like:

// Create dynamic sub report

dynSubReport := TppSubReport.Create(Self);
dynSubReport.Band := ppReportRC01.DetailBand;
dynSubReport.ParentPrinterSetup := False;

// Create dynamic child report

dynChildReport := TppChildReport(dynSubReport.Report);
dynChildReport.DataPipeline := ppJITPipelineMV;
dynChildReport.Units := utMMThousandths;
dynChildReport.NoDataBehaviors := [ndBlankReport];
dynChildReport.PrinterSetup.BinName := 'default';
dynChildReport.PrinterSetup.PrinterName := 'default';
dynChildReport.PrinterSetup.PaperName := 'A4';
dynChildReport.PrinterSetup.Orientation := poLandscape;
dynChildReport.TitleBand.Height := 11000.0;
dynChildReport.TitleBand.NewPage := True;

// Create column headers

y := 0.0;
x := 50000.0;
for col := 0 to (StringListIngot.Count - 1) do
dynName := Format('dynLabelIngot%d', [labelCount]);

MVCreateDynamicLabel(dynName, StringListIngot[col], dynChildReport,
rbTitleBand, x, y, width);
x := x + width + 1000.0;

Bruce Taylor


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