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Report is too slow

edited November 2004 in Subreports

I'm fighting with performance problem of ReportBuilder 7 and after lots of trials I can't see a good solution.

I have a report with 8 steps (subreport in supreport in supreport in...).

Now in my programm I choose how many steps I want to show. Maybe I want all 8 steps or just 3 of them. If I choose less steps than the maximum I just set the detailBand.visible = False. If I just want 3 steps than all 8 steps it is more slower ...because RB has to pass through more data.

Here is my problem... If I choose less than 8 steps ...it takes a long time, because in the background RB also pass through the data-piplines of the steps I don't need. How can I "swich off" this unused Pipelines?

I already tried to to set the pipeline-property of the subreport to nil ...then RB stops while designing ...without a result. I also tried to set the datasource of the queries of unused piplines to nil ...with error.

Anyone an idea?


I found a post from a user in the newsgroup:
"SubReport.enabled := false; It would be nice if it were possible." from 17.02.00 (dd.mm.yy). That's exacly my problem.


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