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SUbreport at footer section

edited August 2005 in Subreports
Why subreports at footer section doesn't work?



Ricardo Acras
Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas


  • edited August 2005
    Hi Ricardo,

    The FooterBand is the only band in ReportBuilder that is required to have a
    static height. This is from the need of the report engine to pre-allocate
    this space at the bottom of each page before any dynamic objects or bands
    are generated. If you need a subreport at the bottom of a page, I would
    suggest trying to use the GroupFooterBand or the SummaryBand.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    Hi Nico,

    First of all thank for your answer. But I?ve tryied that and the summary
    band prints right after the DataBand, and I need it to be at the bottom of
    the page. Is there any configuration to do that?



    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
  • edited August 2005
    Hi Ricardo,

    You can use the PrintPosition property to define the vertical position of
    the SummaryBand. This value is in report units.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005

    I?m really sorry if I?m bothering. But I didn?t find this property, maybe
    some translation issue because I?m using the Portuguese version. And also I
    didn?t realize what you mean by report units.

    thanks a lot man.


    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
  • edited August 2005
    Hi Ricardo,

    This is a published property so it should show up as "PrintPosition" in the
    Delphi Object Inspector when clicked on the Summary Band. I believe it is
    defined as "Posicao de Impressao" (sorry about the punctuation) in the
    Position dialog as well.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    Thank you Nico,

    I forgot to mention it, but I'm using the designer, so I don't have the
    Object Inspector available and yes, it is "Posi??o de Impress?o". I?m going
    to search for documentation about it and make some tests.

    Thanks again

    p.s.: If you are sorry about the ponctuation I am about my poor english :-)


    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
  • edited August 2005

    It didn't work. It only prints on a new page. We've tried many
    combinations of values and it prints the same OR it prints in a new page. I
    think we are misunderstanding something here. sorry.



    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
  • edited August 2005
    Hi Ricardo,

    Are you using a registered version of ReportBuilder or are you using an
    application with ReportBuilder built-in?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    An application with ReportBuilder built-in called ReportGen.


    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

  • edited August 2005

    Where can I find this ReportGen application? From whom did you purchase it
    and who is the publisher?

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    It is from a local software house.
    I don?t know if I can send it to you for legal reasons. I?m going to try to
    contact them, to ask if I can send you the application. The issue is that
    they are not selling it any more, and that?s why I?m supportless.

    I have one question, If I have the registered version I?ll have more
    functionalities? If so I will consider buying the registered version so I
    wont have more problems with report development.

    Thank you.


    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
  • edited August 2005
    Now I realized how PrintPosition works, but in my tests here, when the
    number of records change, the print position should change as well so the
    summary band stays on bottom, so I would have to change the print Position
    according to the number of records fetched. And what I need is a way to
    always put the subreport at bottom.

    Sorry if I'm bothering or if there are limitations to built in version. In
    this case please tell me so I can study buying the full version.

    thank you.


    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
  • edited August 2005

    I did not ask you to send me the software. However, I did ask who the
    publisher was and who sold it to you.

    I suspect that you are using an illegal application, so please do not quote
    to me 'for Legal reasons..." It is against the ReportBuilder license to
    build a general purpose reporting tool. A product named ReportGen certainly
    sounds like a reporting tool.

    Digital Metaphors provides technical support to the Delphi developers that
    are registered users of ReportBuilder. Digital Metaphors receives no
    distribution royalties from Delphi developers that embed end-user reporting
    solutions in their applications. It is the responsibility of the software
    publishers that sold you the product to provide you with tech support.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005

    I didn't meant that you asked me. I sad that because I thought it would be
    the best way for you to look at it, once people that sold me the software
    are unreachable for a while. But now I know you don't suppport embeded RB.
    Anyways, I'm sorry if it sounded that I was supposing you were asking me
    to send you.
    And I don't know if this software ReportGen is illegal, but it is a
    software that came with another software that the company I consult uses,
    and we use it to generate reports to this software.
    But, once we are thinking to develop a new version of this software
    ourselves and stop using ContLojas and ReportGen, it's my job to clarify if
    we should use Report Builder.
    I assume that you won't give me support, and I agree with you, obviously.
    But I need to know if this kind of stuff (subReport at PageFooter) will work
    fine. I don't know if this is the right place to ask. I would have searched
    other places, but the momment I started this thread I didn't know you don't
    support embeded.
    Once again, I'm sorry if I sounded offensive, e-mail communication or the
    fact of english not beeing my native language could have influenced for us
    to misunderstand.

    Best regards,


    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

  • edited August 2005

    1. Who is the publisher of the software that you are using? I need the
    company name and an email contact if possible?

    2. Who sold you the software? I need the company name and an email contact
    if possible?

    3. We have an example of aligning the summary band to the bottom of the
    page. There are some positional calculations that have to be performed in
    code. You need a license to Borland Delphi and ReportBuilder to utilize the
    full potential of the product. This is one such case.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    Hi Nard,

    The publisher and the seller are the same. They are local and I don?t know
    even if they still exist, we are not reaching them for a while. I?m posting
    you the mail and the phone numbers we have, but it?s being useless for us.

    Bituso Inform?tica

    All this information is making me think if we ourselves are not doing
    something illegal by using this software, if it is illegal indeed.

    I guess it is enough for me to convince people here to buy it. Support and
    this kind of feature are really necessary, plus the possibility of being
    I?ll design the project and if everything runs OK soon we will be bying
    the registered version to start development and to have support. Till then
    I?ll keep in mind I?m suportless.
    Do you have resellers here in Brazil? We are in Curitiba, Paran? State.


    Ricardo Acras
  • edited August 2005

    Me too

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    > Me too

    Hello Nard,

    This answere, your short answeres and the fact that you are ignoring some
    questions like if you have resellers in Brazil is making me think that you
    think we are using your software illegaly (just a thought). If we are, that
    was not our intention and we are making moves to legalize our situation. But
    I have here some considerations.

    1. This ReportGen software is not general purpose, we just can develop
    reports for the other software that came along.

    2. I?ve used a trial for a time (while trying to migrate the reports
    developed in ReportGen to a new version, because the ReportGen was developed
    in a older version of RB.

    3. I truly believe Report Builder is a great report developing tool. Maybe
    the best in market

    4. By your e-mails I think maybe you are the owner of Digital-Metaphors or
    you have a position of privilege in your company. As the owner (or even as
    an employee) it?s my suggestion that you treat people a litle better than
    you do, at least then you?ve been doing with me. I?ve been corteous to you
    all the time, using simple techniques like "Hi" or "regards". If you think
    I?m using your software in an illegal manner, there are many ways for you to
    protect yourself, you can
    denounce me. Up here in Brazil we have laws that protect your copyrights
    like you do in US.

    5. I?m going to repeat that even if our position isn?t illegal, we are going
    to develop a new version and I think it will be with Report Builder, despite
    of the fact you are not treting me as I would like to be treated.

    Best Regards,
    Ricardo Acras
  • edited August 2005
    > 3. We have an example of aligning the summary band to the bottom of the

    Hi Nard,

    I bought RB Enterprise version and just received the confirmation via
    E-Mail. I will start converting all templates made in ReportGen and in a few
    days will stop using it. I would really appreciate if you or Mr. Nico tell
    me where to find this example you mentioned.

    Thank you in advance,
    Ricardo Acras
  • edited August 2005

    Thanks for the feeback. I appologize if I do not appear to be corteous.
    Perhaps we are having a communication issue. I felt like you were
    deliberately ignoring my questions and withholding information.

    Lets try to start over and move forward in a better light.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005

    Here is an example that you can download. Hope this is helpful...


    Each time an object such as a Label or Shape, prints on a page, it creates a
    DrawCommand that describes what needs to be rendered.

    In the example, the OnDrawCommandCreate event of the summary band components
    is used to save a reference to the drawcommand objects. Then the
    SummaryBand.AfterPrint event is used to reposition the Top of the draw

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    Hi Nard,

    I appologize too for our communication issues, I think it is my fault,
    like I sad before, english is not my first language and sometimes I become
    confused with it.
    I guess we will have interesting technical conversations in the future.

    Thank You,

    Ricardo Acras

  • edited August 2005
    Worked fine,
    Thank you very much.


    Ricardo Acras
    Acras Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
This discussion has been closed.