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JIT DataPipeline Assignment for Multiple SubReports

edited May 2006 in Subreports
I essentially want to dynamically print N reports together on a single
page, where N is a user defined parameter.

At designtime, I create a template, and store it into a database. Then
I load the template into a dynamically created subreport parented by a
main report with a Dynamically created parent report. All reports use
the same JIT Pipeline, but each report has the index value into a Tlist
that is referenced by the GetFieldValue() method.

I have not been able to figure out how to assign the datapipeline
created at run-time to all TppDBText objects. If I assign it to the
report, it does not ripple through to the DBText objects. All
Datapipeline properties are Nil, but the DataPipeline name shows the
pipeline connected at Design-time. Is there an easy way to do this?

Is there a better way to construct a single page report from multiple
templates? Should I be chaining RAFs together instead?


  • edited May 2006

    - the report.DataPipeline property is used for datapipeline traversal

    - the data-aware components have properties for DataPipeline, DataField, and
    ParentDataPipeline. When ParentDataPipeline is set to True, then updating
    Report.DataPipeline will ripple thru to Component.DataPipeline (provided the
    started off with the same value before the change). See ppClass.pas, the
    method TppCustomReport.UpdateParentDataPipeline.

    - you can also programmatically loop thru the Report.Bands[].Objects[]
    structure and assign DataPipeline and DataField properties. Again, see
    ppClass.pas, the method TppCustomReport.UpdateParentDataPipeline

    - This approach sounds valid.Your question seems to be more about
    dynamically assigning JITPipelines to reports than how to create the report
    layout. Or perhaps I do not understand the question/configuration

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2006
    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  • edited May 2006

    - please do not post attachments to the newsgroups. It is against newsgroup

    - what I notice about the call stack is that there is a class called
    TPrintJobThread. Is this a custom class that you are using to printing the
    report in a thread? What type of solution are you tring to build with

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2006
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:
    My apologies for posting an attachment, but it was the easiest way to
    show you what was going on, since I could not easily convert it to text,
    I decided just to keep the image as small as possible.

    I have implemented a thread pool as part of my middle tier. Each thread
    collects the data necessary to render the report server side and send an
    RAF consisting of 1..4 reports, to the client for printing.

    This issues I am currently experiencing are:

    1) get AV when attempting to save the report dynamically built to a

    2) I cannot get the second subreport showing in the detail section below
    the first one. The area is completely blank.

    3) The JIT Pipeline appears to be called more often than necessary for
    field values.
  • edited May 2006

    - for future reference, attachments can be sent to

    - I recommend first implementing and testing the reports in a standard
    (non-threaded) environment

    - You might want to first get the report working, by designing it with the
    report designer and then as a second step, write code to dynamically create
    the same layout

    - to print one subreport below another, make sure the second supreport is
    set to ShiftRelativeTo the first

    - there is no limit to how many times JITPipeline.GetFieldValue can be
    called. Your implementation of that method needs to be very simple and
    fast - typically you would pull a value from an array or an object property,
    etc. The GetFieldValue method is called whenever a class in RB needs to
    check a field value. (Its no different than when you use a DataSet and
    reference a DataField value from multiple areas of your application).

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2006
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:
    You know what would be really cool?

    If you could create a report in the designer, and be able to save the
    report as generated Delphi code. It would be a great learning tool, but
    it would also make producing a report programmatically so much easier :>)

    BTW, my report is now working fine in a thread. I just experimented,
    turning off Outlining and all the other unnecessary features and then
    controlling the position of the subreports using Top,Left.

    I still get an AV if I try to save the report to a template. It's
    bizarre that you can create a report that cannot be saved successfully.

    Is there a document besides the on-line help that explains the RB object
    model, with lots of code examples?

    I suspect I will be finished this implementation project in the next
    week. Is there any news about enabling Report Parameter editing the the
    End User Designer?
  • edited May 2006

    That would be very cool ineed. For now you save the report to .rtm file in
    ASCII format and then open it in the Delphi editor or Notepad. That might be
    helpful...though not exactly what you describe.

    There are lots of parts of the Delphi VCL that are not thread safe. And I
    think I recall that the VCL streaming system (which RB uses) is not

    There is some information in the Tech Tip articles and the Developers Guide
    about creating code based reports. And I can try to help with any additional

    RB 10.03 is now available and it includes support for editing the
    Report.Parameters via the object inspector :)

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2006
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:
    Thanks Nard. I will get the download information from my client and
    download 10.3 ASAP.

    As for the VCL Streaming, I always wondering myself if that code was
    threadsafe, but was never able to determine exactly what parts of the
    VCL were threadsafe...
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